Team Mystic was placed first in Pokemon GO Fest by contributing most to the mystery challenges, Team Valor was placed second and Team Instinct was placed third.
As Team Mystic won the event at GoFest, their legendary bird Articuno was released and Articuno raids were happening all around the world. Articuno was available to trainers for 9 days. As of today on July 31st, Articuno is no longer available and we don’t have any idea when Team Mystic’s Legendary bird will be coming back, but we do have a good news.

Team Valor’s Legendary Bird, Moltres is live and trainers around the world are reporting that they are seeing Moltres Raids in Gyms. Team Valor’s Legendary bird will be appearing worldwide for 7 days from Monday, July 31 to Monday, August 7. Following that Zapdos, Team Instinct’s Legendary bird will start appearing worldwide on Monday, August 7 and available through Monday, August 14.

Legendary Pokemon are extremely hard to catch as their catch rate is only 3%.
No Berry –
Normal: 3.00%
Nice: 3.45%
Great: 4.50%
Excellent: 5.55%
No Berry – Curveball
Normal: 5.10%
Nice: 5.87%
Great: 7.65%
Excellent: 9.44%
Razz Berry –

Normal: 4.50%
Nice: 5.18%
Great: 6.75%
Excellent: 8.32%
Razz Berry – Curveball
Normal: 7.60%
Nice: 8.87%
Great: 9.65%
Excellent: 10.44%
Golden Razz Berry

Normal: 7.50%
Nice: 8.67%
Great: 11.25%
Excellent: 13.99%
Golden Razz Berry – Curveball
Normal: 12.60%
Nice: 14.87%
Great: 18.65%
Excellent: 23.41%
In short, if you want to increase your chance in catching Legendary Pokemon, use Golden Razz Berry and Curveball.
To defeat Legendary Pokemon in a raid battle, you will need good counters for them. For Moltres, you will need Rock Type Pokemon that can use Stone Edge move. It’s the third most powerful attack in Pokemon Go. Stone Edge attack does a base damage of 232, while taking Attack and Defense stats in the account. There are many Rock Type Pokemon that can use Stone Edge attack, such as Sudowoodo, Magcargo, Kabutops, Tyranitar, Rhydon.

I highly suggest using Tyranitar against Moltres, Moltres is also weak to Electric Type, chose your Pokemon wisely. Stay tuned for more information.
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