Welcome to my Dragon Ball Super theory on Super Saiyan Red (god) vs Super Saiyan Blue. There is no official statement from anyone on what form is more powerful.

The only statement we have was from Akira Toriyama about a year before the blue form was even known about in which he states this:
“Simply put, it’s because [the red hair] looks so strong,” said Toriyama. “The color yellow has already been used, and blue isn’t really that strong looking, so visually, red is easy to understand.”
Most fans would make assumption that Super Saiyan Blue is stronger than Super Saiyan Red, because Blue form is the last form to be used by Goku and Vegeta after Super Saiyan Red.

Saiyan prince, Vegeta was able to achieve Super Saiyan Red as well and access it at will, just like Goku. They both also succeeded in achieving Super Saiyan Blue, which is next transformation of Super Saiyan Red.
Even though Blue form is after Red form, there is a good reason for this debate if Super Saiyan Red is stronger than Super Saiyan Blue or not.

The Red form has more stamina, more speed but less power compared to Blue form, not by a lot but a little. In Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods, Beerus said he was using 70% of his power against the Red Super Saiyan God form. However, in Revival of F movie Whis tells Goku and Vegeta that they could only beat Beerus if they fought together, and that was when they achieved Super Saiyan Blue form.

The thing here is Red form held it’s own against Beerus in Battle of Gods, and was able to push Beerus to 70% of his power. Blue form is supposed to be stronger than Beerus, but it’s not. Allow me to explain.
The Blue form is indeed stronger than Red form(don’t get mad, sit tight and read), because when Vegeta uses Super Saiyan God Red form against Goku Black, this is what Goku Black says “You must be out of your mind, using a lower form to beat me?”. The main point here is, Vegeta figured out how Super Saiyan Blue and Super Saiyan Red works.

Which Goku later explains it as well. While fighting Goku Black, Vegeta was switching between Super Saiyan Red and Blue in an instant. While moving Vegeta was using Super Saiyan Red but while attacking, he was using Super Saiyan Blue. There’s a reason behind this, Super Saiyan Blue uses so much Stamina and is slower than Red form, while on the other hand Super Saiyan Red gives more stamina and is faster than Blue form, but less power compared Blue.
Vegeta was using Super Super Saiyan Red to supplement Super Saiyan Blue, as I mentioned above, by switching forms in an instant, Vegeta was able to keep up his stamina much easier than Goku Black, and you know what happened in their fight.

Conclusion: Super Saiyan Blue is stronger than Super Saiyan Red, however Blue form eats up a lot Stamina and is slower than Red form, on the other hand Super Saiyan Red is faster than Blue and uses less Stamina. Super Saiyan Blue has a time-limit, Super Saiyan Red doesn’t.
This was my theory on Dragon Ball Super, I hope you like it, leave comments below and let me know what you think.
Weakest To Strongest Universes In Tournament Of Power – Ranked
Strongest warriors from eight universes out of twelve universes are participating in order to keep their universe from getting erased by Zen-Oh and Future Zen-Oh. Any team who loses in this tournament will have their Universe wiped out almost immediately after. Universe 9 was erased by Both Zen-Ohs after they their all warriors got knocked out of Tournament of Power. According to the Great Priest, real reason behind the tournament is that Zen-Oh believes there are too many Universes and wants to erase the weaker ones. He already erased universe 13 to 18.
Today I will be ranking all 8 Weakest to strongest universes in Tournament of Power according to their total strength.
8. Universe 9
Universe 9 was the ninth of the twelve universes in the Dragon Ball series. Universe 9 was linked with Universe 4, creating a twin universe.
Universe 9 Angel, God of Destruction and Supreme Kai.
Sidra (God of Destruction)
Roh (Supreme Kai)
Mojito (Angel)
Universe 9 Warriors
7. Universe 3
Universe 3 is the third of the twelve universes in the Dragon Ball series. Universe 3 is linked with Universe 10, creating a twin universe. It is the universe with the seventh highest mortal level.
Universe 3 Angel, God of Destruction and Supreme Kai.
Mosco (God of Destruction)
Ea (Supreme Kai)
Campari (Angel)
Universe 3 Warriors
The Preecho
6. Universe 4
Universe 4 is the fourth of the twelve universes in the Dragon Ball series. Universe 4 was linked with Universe 9, creating a twin universe. It is the universe with the ninth highest mortal level.
Universe 4 Angel, God of Destruction and Supreme Kai.
Quitela (God of Destruction)
Kuru (Supreme Kai)
Cognac (Angel)
Universe 4 Warriors
5. Universe 10
Universe 10 is the tenth of the twelve universes in the Dragon Ball series. Universe 10 is linked with Universe 3, creating a twin universe. It is the universe with the eighth highest mortal level
Universe 10 Angel, God of Destruction and Supreme Kai.
Rumsshi (God of Destruction)
Gowasu (Supreme Kai)
Cus (Angel)
Universe 10 Warriors
4. Universe 2
Universe 2 is the second of the twelve universes in the Dragon Ball series. Universe 2 is linked with Universe 11, creating a twin universe. It is the universe with the sixth highest mortal level.
super saiyan blue is stronger than super saiyan god because its the super saiyan form of super saiyan god. the full name for super saiyan blue is super saiyan god super saiyan, which is a saiyan that has achieved the power of a god(super saiyan god) that has gone super saiyan.
This is slightly true but I think also wrong because when Goku was fighting with Dyspo with red form he suddenly changed into blue. Whis already told that GOKU used blue form for more speed and power. So I can say that Super Saiyan God is just a normal Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue is the advanced power of Super Saiyan God with a Super Saiyan. Super saiyan God is solo and Super saiyan blue is dual Super Saiyan God and super Saiyan. Super saiyan blue › Super Saiyan God.
This is slightly true but I think also wrong because when Goku was fighting with Dyspo with red form he suddenly changed into blue. Whis already told that GOKU used blue form for more speed and power. So I can say that Super Saiyan God is just a normal Super Saiyan God and Super Saiyan Blue is the advanced power of Super Saiyan God with a Super Saiyan. Super saiyan God is solo and Super saiyan blue is dual Super Saiyan God and super Saiyan.