Back when the Great Priest went around to each Universe to relay the rules of the Tournament, we saw our God of Destruction Beerus, Angel Attendant Whis, and Supreme Kai, and even Elder Kai hold the rules in such high regard.

It seemed that the rules were cemented in stone, and nothing could bend or break them, till now! We have seem multiple occasions of cheating, and breaking the rules set out by the Great Priest himself already in the Tournament of Power!

From Krillin using his smelly shoe in order to confuse Majora in order to get the upper hand, to Krillin as well giving Roshi’s sun glasses to 18 to shield her from the Solar Flare x100. More recently we saw Roshi use a container in order to properly use the Evil Containment Wave to seal the Talisman user of Universe 4 Dercori in order to eliminate her from the Tournament. We saw Beerus and Universe 4’s God of Destruction argue if it was illegal until both Zeno’s intervened by saying “Safe, it’s neat so it’s safe!”.

So what does this mean for upcoming events during the Tournament of Power? Does this mean other ways of fighting, containing your opponent, or even obtaining power is okay by items as long as it’s “neat” and pleases the Zeno’s? What about the other rules? Are other rules able to be broken as long as it pleases the Zeno’s? This could essentially mean all rules besides killing and the time limit could essentially be broken. Someone could of brought in Potara Earrings and use them with someone and because it looks “neat” and pleases the Zeno’s cause of the power means it would be allowed.

With the amount of fighters there, it seems impossible that all the rules besides the time, and killing could be reinforced. Or it’s simply could be because the Zeno’s are essentially children and it’s allowed as long as it entertains them. We have seen even with 2 Zeno’s together they still get bored quite easy. So maybe the majority of the rules were just guidelines, like how to eliminate your opponent, no killing, and how long the Tournament will be. Everything else seems like it can be bended if it pleases the Zeno’s.

That’s my take on the rules of the Tournament, and what could potentially happen cause of the past incidents of cheating/bending the rules. What are your thoughts? How far with cheating/bending the rules can the participants go before it’s taken to far? Continue the conversation by leaving your thoughts, and idea’s in the comments down below! As always thanks for reading!
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Strongest God of Destruction Revealed In Latest Dragon Ball Super Manga
Even though the Gods of Destruction are the most powerful being in their designated universes, it does not mean that they stand on equal footing. The Gods of Destruction can be ranked based on their power. The God of Destruction that we see the most is Beerus, being the God of Universe 7. We haven’t seen the power of other Gods of Destruction yet.

But on the latest chapter of the Dragon Ball Super manga, we are given a clue on who might be the strongest God of Destruction right now. In the manga, the Tournament of Power is just about to be announced. Goku went to Zeno-sama’s place to ask about the tournament that he promised. The two Zen-chans were playing a game when Goku appeared. Reminding the Omni-King about his promise, the Great Priest called all the Gods of Destructions and their angels right away.

Everyone was shocked to see Goku near the two Zeno-sama. When all of the Gods of Destruction, their angels, and the Kais were gathered, Grand Priest announced about the tournament. It was also announced that those defeated universes would be erased on the spot.

It can be remembered that what happened in the anime is an exhibition match between Universe 9 and Universe 7. The manga begs to differ because instead of an exhibition match, an exhibition of battle royale was made. And instead of participants
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