Usually I post articles concerning theories and fun, cool stuff about One Piece but today we have other Breaking News: One Piece Spoiler Uploader from Okinawa gets arrested.

Since 2009, 44 people got arrested from scanlation meaning uploading manga, anime, films and music prior the release date. In Japan, it is illegal for such things for profit or non-profit organisations. Committing this crime may get you arrested and/or get a huge fine.

Earlier today, One Piece Spoiler Uploaders from Okinawa got arrested for having a scanlation website and uploading spoilers from the manga of One Piece. Prior to this crime, Tokyo Metropolitan Police Deparment’s Anti-Cybercrime Division has announced that in previous years, 33 got arrested in 2012, 40 in 2015 and till February 2016, 44 got arrested.

This year, we still should be noticed by the Police how much people got arrested but it will have to wait till January 2018 but last earlier today the Spoilers Uploaders got arrested and will have to face consequences. The worst-case scenario fine is 10 million Yen approximately 85,000 US dollars and 10 years imprisonment.

The police haven’t yet declared how many people got arrested as they have leads on other people but so far, we have to wait and see. The law in Japan about intellectual theft and posting copyrighted materials like anime, manga, TV shows, music, pages of magazines prior release date and even after release date are being discussed to take other measures and find better ways to protect intellectual property from spoiler uploaders and designing new laws so less and less people try commit these types of crimes.

Even though it is cool to manage to see our shows before hand, we all have to understand that all these companies providing us with the best shows available need our support to buy their copyrighted work as without us they are nothing just another great story untold. Please support the shows you love by buying their work, it is vital, first off with us paying them we can read and watch their show and secondly without our money how on earth can they ever do their phenomenal talent.

More will come in the following days and try to keep you up to date as much as possible on this news. Hope you enjoyed it and see you on the next post.
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Luffy vs Akainu One Piece Chapter 1100 Fan Manga
Luffy Vs Akainu is one of the most waited fight in the anime, many of us can’t wait to see is get animated and read it in One Piece Manga, thanks to AndayGeorge we are going to be able to read the mang, he drew 14+ pages of Monkey D Luffy Vs Akainu Manga.
It took him almost a year and a half to complete this and the manga is very well detailed, the artist who drew this, his art style is very close to Oda’s and there is not much to say about it, take a look at it yourself and read it.





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