As everyone knows Goku and Vegeta have been training really hard ever since they both unlocked their Super Saiyan God/Blue powers. Their powers are beyond of that what they used to be at the beginning of Dragon Ball Super. Now the question many fans have been wondering ever since the Goku Black/Future Trunks arc finished and that is: Are Goku and Vegeta anywhere near stronger than Lord Beerus or almost as strong? Now I myself have been wondering that question as well for months now are they really stronger or even close to Beerus.

Now after looking at the latest chapter of the manga from Dragon Ball Super the answer to that question has finally been solved and the answer is………No. Goku and Vegeta are no where near or close to being as strong as Lord Beerus. I know most of you guys have probably seen the chapter but those that haven’t i will tell you as to why they are not stronger yet. Now in chapter 27 of the manga from Dragon Ball Super, Vegeta is training at Beerus’s place with Whis just like in the anime. By the way this is happening moments before Goku goes off to Zeno sama’s place to talk about the Tournament of Power.

During their training session, Whis tells Vegeta that his movements have gotten better, but still has flaws that need to be corrected and improved upon himself. In the background while they’re training Beerus is resting alongside a rock next to the Oracle Fish, but of course as stated earlier Vegeta has flaws that he needs to correct and improve upon himself on.

Something interesting happens during this, Whis moves behind Vegeta to deliver a knock out blow in which Vegeta counter acts as Whis moves in front of him and Vegeta throws a punch at him resulting in Whis catching it. At which Whis points out that Vegeta has significantly improved but still not at the caliber in which he had hoped he would be. Now the most interesting thing happened that never happened in the anime and thats Beerus and Vegeta being provoked. Beerus tells Vegeta “that was quite the battle, wanna go up against me instead.”

In which Beerus challanges Vegeta to a 1 on 1 battle, leaving Vegeta in shock. Now he accepts starting from the get go he turns into Super Saiyan Blue. Something that was never seen in the anime. Now as Vegeta powers up we see that the Super Saiyan Blue aura is covering all of Vegeta’s body as he tosses a punch at Beerus in resulting to Beerus catching it just like Whis did. Later on, he grabs the punch and tossing Vegeta backwords without breaking a sweat. Keep in mind this is Vegeta post Battle of Gods, Golden Frieza, Universe 6 vs 7, Black Goku/Future Trunks arc. Meaning he is much stronger than he was before. But Beerus isnt even sweating Vegeta, which causes him to use the Final Flash on Beerus in which he uses his left arm to flick the attack like nothing.

But while he did that Vegeta teleports behind Beerus to punch him in the head with no prevail. Vegeta keeps on throwing punches and kicks and everything at Beerus but none of them seem to affect or hit Beerus. This is very shocking and frightening since Vegeta has improved so much since the beginning of Super. So then we see Beerus doing a swirl like attack and evades Vegeta and lands a hit on him. After he teleports behind Vegeta landing even more hits on him causing Vegeta to hit the ground. This surprises The Oracle fish and Whis seeing how far Vegeta has come and is still no where near as strong. In which Vegeta emerges from the water and Beerus not looking so amused,but then something interesting happens and that is the whole aura concept i was about to talk about earlier which i left for here.

Now Vegeta closes his eyes, now similar to what Goku did in Dragon Ball Super manga chapter 25, Vegeta condensing all his ki in his body and he tells Beerus “There is nothing Kakarot can do, I can not” showcasing the same evolution Goku did in chapter 25 of the manga and that is using the Mastered Super Saiyan Blue.

This is the same “Mastered” Super Saiyan Blue Goku used against Merged Zamasu in the manga. Whis states that Vegeta might have just closed the gap between him and Goku in terms of power. But Beerus is still not taking this seriously, as both Vegeta and Beerus are engage once again, this time Beerus looks like the one on the offence.

So Beerus looks to attack Vegeta and Vegeta is trying to block off Beerus’s attacks but still gets hit a few times. It looks like Vegeta is holding off more than he did before. In which Beerus is still not taking Vegeta seriously, but Vegeta seems a bit more confident than he did earlier. It looks like Vegeta is still on the offense and trying to land a hit on Beerus, Beerus still looks like hes not even trying or breaking a sweat from Vegeta’s attacks, it looks more like he is annoyed.

So breaks the question where does Super Saiyan Blue even rank at this point in the manga? According to the manga Vegeta doesnt even have the slightest chance against Beerus. Beerus isn’t even taking Vegeta serious at this point, in which Vegeta gets furious ant the point where he finally lands a punch on Beerus’s face, even making Whis and the Oracle Fish surprised.

But shockingly enough this doesnt even faze Beerus instead it made him angry, then he grabs his hand, at which Beerus tells Vegeta “I hold back and you get carried away, it’ll be a hundred years before you can ever match me Vegeta”. Vegeta gets scared then an explosion happens where in a crator Vegeta is lying with his face musshed by Beerus.

Afterwards Beerus doesnt talk bad about Vegeta instead gives him credit that he has gotten very strong and improved so much in such a short time and even tells him maybe in another universe he would make a candidate for god of destruction but not in this universe. After all of this is over Whis talks to Vegeta about movement the same topic he talked to both Vegeta and Goku in Resurection of F that both of them still haven’t mastered the ability to move before thinking.

Despite all of the training both Goku and Vegeta have done they are no where near the level of Beerus not now maybe later on in the future but as of right now they would both get creamed even if Goku uses Kaio Ken it wouldn’t help much since he would waste energy more like that. Probably Vegito can beat Beerus but i dont see Goku and Vegeta fusing to beat someone like Beerus that way anytime soon unless its a real threat like Zamasu was. Anyways till the next one see ya!
Dragon Ball Super Episodes 107, 108, 109 Spoilers, Jiren Attacks, Frieza Betrays
The next episodes will be fantastic! Todd Blankenship has once again given the spoilers of the next episodes. The two ice-jins will be making their moves against the Universe 7 Z warriors. Gohan would be in action again, and he will be fighting with a strong opponent. Goku will have a back to back great battle. And after being ignored for awhile, Frieza, the Evil Emperor, would be having his moments of betrayal.

Episode 107 is titled ” Revenge F! A cunning trap is laid?!” which features Frost and Magetta. Universe 6 Kaioshin ordered Frost to defeat a Universe 7 warrior. And in effect, if Frost will succeed, he will be forgiven for his crimes. Also, he will also receive financial aid for starting up his business. With these things as an exchange, Frost immediately targetted the injured Master Roshi.

Episode 108 would feature the other Ice-jin. Titled “Frieza and Frost! Intersecting Evil?!”, Frieza will be hunting for his next opponent. At one point, he saw Gohan having a hard time with his opponent. The opponent was named as Jemez. While Jemez is beating Gohan around, Frieza just stares and smirked. With this act, the whole Universe 7 team feels uneasy with Frieza. The theory that Frieza will betray them at one point becomes even more possible.
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